Step 1: Submit your signed application either conveniently online or by mail, with no upfront fee. Our one-time fee is 45% of your tax savings if you sign up online, or 50% of your tax savings if you mail in the application. Remember, if there is no tax savings there is no fee

Step 2: Receive confirmation from North House Reductions, LLC that we received your application within the deadline and you’re eligible to file the grievance application.

Step 3: North House Reductions, LLC. will represent you before the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) in your respective county (Orange County or Westchester County).

Step 4: Based on the decision rendered by the BAR, North House Reductions, LLC will either accept the reduction or we will proceed to Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR).

Step 5: SCAR is the only way to obtain a reduction if denied at the board level. A $30 court filing fee is required for SCAR to purchase an index number which guarantees your case to be heard.

Step 6: North House Reductions, LLC will purchase the index number and complete all necessary paperwork on your behalf. Once your appeal is filed it is up to Supreme Court to schedule a hearing (This can take up to several months because of the numerous SCAR appeals being filed).

Step 7: We will prepare all the necessary documentation including a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) to be used in the appeal process. The Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) is an additional $75.00 fee, but if you provide a recent appraisal the $75.00 fee is waived.

Step 8: We will appear on your behalf and present all the needed evidence to succeed.

Step 9: Once successful, depending on the municipality and your hearing date a reduction granted can be reflected/adjusted in a number of ways. Such as, the reduction can be reflected on your tax bills in which case you would pay your taxes based on the lowered assessed value and thus no refund will be due you. Another method would be that a refund check can be issued for any over payment of taxes as a result of the reduction. A number of factors can influence the method in which the different municipalities reflect/adjust your property tax bill each municipality and reduction can be unique.

Step 10: Send in your application for the next year to try and continue to reduce your property taxes.